map Afognak Island Lodge near Kodiak, Alaska
phone   907.349.0520

Afognak Fishing near Kodiak Alaska

Fishing with Hodge's Outfitters

Good sport fishing isn’t hard to find in Alaska. With over 3 million lakes, 6640 miles of coastline, 300 rivers and countless fish-filled streams, the challenge isn’t catching fish, but deciding what kind to catch and where. Alaska offers some of the most spectacular fly-fishing, saltwater fishing, and freshwater fishing in the world.

We are able to offer spectacular fishing adventures from our lodge on beautiful Afognak Island. It is located just north of Kodiak Island and has excellent fishing for silver salmon, trout, sea-run kings, rockfish, cod, and halibut. The spectacular scenery and the abundant wildlife will add to the trip and provide many photographic opportunities as well.

We will customize any type of fishing trip from the lodge whether it be deep sea fishing or fly fishing. You will be transported via boat or flown out to the lodge. Any number of days can be arranged per trip. Trip price includes transportation from Kodiak, housing accommodations, meals, guides, fishing tackle and your catch vacuum packed and frozen for shipping.

Your vacation can be as adventurous and challenging or as relaxing and laid back as you choose. Hodge's Afognak Island Lodge will customize any adventure to suit your tastes and abilities!

We offer Alaskan fishing trips, kayaking, hiking, photography and much, much more! To make a reservation, call us at (907) 349-0520 or email us at

explore Hodge's Afognak Island Lodge 13836 Lake Otis Parkway
Anchorage, AK 99516

credit_card Fishing License Required Purchase a fishing license directly from the Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game. Purchase HERE.